District. Solan, Himachal Pradesh

A Co-Educational Institution Affiliated To Himachal Pradesh University Shimla-5

Student Charter

Responsibility of the College towards Students and Parents

The College Administration and Staff will :

  • provide a rewarding and transformational educational experience by ensuring opportunities to develop capabilities and skills, promoting scholarly enquiry with integrity, giving fair, timely and high-quality feedback and ensuring fair assessment that is learning-oriented, transparent, and set against clearly stated goals.
  • provide curricula and teaching that are relevant to your educational needs.
  • make every endeavour to provide clear, timely and accurate information about programmes of study, courses, and their assessment requirements.
  • provide high-quality resources, services and support for learning.
  • provide counselling for career opportunities during and after completion of the studies.
  • commit to a safe, inclusive and equitable environment that promotes zero tolerance for ragging, all forms of bullying, harassment and discrimination.
  • provide opportunities for you to represent your views, in a way that emphasizes partnership in decision-making by valuing and responding to your feedback.
  • support student representatives, societies, clubs and Parent-teacher and Old student associations to be effective in their roles.
  • recognize that it must support and provide, as best it can, for the health, safety and well-being of every student.
  • use the information of students in a way that respects your privacy and prevents the misuse of your information.
  • enable all the stakeholders to make complaints, without being disadvantaged, by ensuring that you have the right to be heard; and are treated respectfully, fairly and impartially.

Responsibilities of Students

The students will :

  • be responsible for her/his learning by familiarizing herself/himself with the requirements of the academic programme and monitoring one’s academic progress.
  • proactively seek advice and support and participate in academic and other activities with honesty and integrity.
  • act in a way that contributes to a safe, inclusive and equitable environment for all, that promotes zero tolerance to ragging, all forms of bullying, harassment and discrimination.
  • actively take part in social service, activities of national integration and other college activities.
  • follow all the ethics and conduct rules of the college in totality.
  • provide respectful and constructive feedback thereby contributing to the growth of the college.
  • recognize that your rights to freedom of expression come with a shared responsibility to maintain an environment that respects and acknowledges the rights of others.
  • be the brand ambassadors of the college in society so they must respect and regard their elders and show affection to the younger's.

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